Master of Science in Epidemiology

The Master of Science in Epidemiology 坦普尔大学公共卫生学院为学生在流行病学方面的高级学习和研究型职业做好准备. 学生学习使用严格的流行病学方法和适当的分析来回答与公众健康有关的紧迫研究问题. 硕士学位课程将使你成为一名公共卫生专业人员

  • application of modern statistical computing software, such as SAS and R, 以及公共卫生和医学领域大型复杂数据集的统计方法;
  • 健康相关横断面、实验、纵向和调查数据的数据管理;
  • 研究设计和适当的数据分析,可用于准确量化和评估基于人群, health-related outcomes; and
  • 熟练地解释和展示结果给不同的听众.

流行病学被认为是公共卫生的基础科学. 它使研究人员和从业人员能够识别和理解描述性特征, determinants and risk factors that influence the public’s health. Students in the Epidemiology MS degree program examine complex global and local challenges related to chronic and infectious diseases; train to understand determinants of, and methodological issues in, cancer and social epidemiology; and apply their knowledge and skills to develop projects that seek to answer timely research questions.

Our graduates are prepared for doctoral programs, as well as for work in a wide range of settings, including academic institutions; applied research settings in health systems and hospitals; federal agencies (such as the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the National Institutes of Health and U.S. Centers for Disease Control);  and local and state health departments. Graduates might pursue careers as epidemiologists; healthcare analysts, health equity managers or health system specialists; research/program managers and analysts; and other positions.

What sets apart our Epidemiology MS?

  • Collaborative, interdisciplinary education: The program has a 2-to-1 student-to-faculty ratio, 为学生提供工作机会,并与不同的教师接触. 我们在公共卫生学院的位置鼓励跨学科研究,并为学生在跨学科环境中工作做好准备.
  • Renowned professors我们的教师包括专注于行为和慢性病流行病学的专家, cancer prevention and control, social determinants, and water-related diseases. 他们有在各种环境下的跨学科团队中工作的实际经验, including community-based entities; federal, state and local government agencies; health systems and clinical practices; and international nongovernmental organizations.
  • Real-world experience: You will gain hands-on experience working on projects with faculty, local or state agencies, private companies, 或者非营利组织——让你有竞争力,为毕业后的职业生涯做好准备.

Program Format

Students complete the Epidemiology MS on-site. 硕士课程提供灵活的课程设置:学生可以选择全日制学习,在两年内完成硕士课程,也可以选择兼职学习,在三年内完成硕士课程.

学生学习流行病学的核心课程,以提高他们对流行病学和统计方法的理解和应用,这些方法对于改善公众健康的生产性职业是必要的. Courses in the program address topics such as

  • analyses of hierarchical (multilevel or clustered) data;
  • data management and coding of health-related data;
  • latent variable and structural equation modeling;
  • 预防主要慢性病的方法问题和战略;
  • multivariable regression of general linear and generalized linear models; and
  • social, 癌症的行为和生物学决定因素以及癌症流行病学研究和实践中的当前方法.

See a full list of program courses.


所有流行病学硕士课程的学生都需要在院系教师的监督下完成两个学期的论文规划和发展. 硕士论文记录了学生的独立研究,并展示了对主要感兴趣领域的掌握. 具体的论文题目是考虑到学生的兴趣和机会,以推进流行病学研究选择.

Tuition & Fees

In keeping with Temple’s commitment to access and affordability, 该理学硕士课程提供具有竞争力的学费水平,并提供多种经济支持机会.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, including program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, and more. These tuition costs apply to the 2023–2024 academic year.

Pennsylvania resident: $1,109.00 per credit
Out-of-state: $1,521.00 per credit

You can view the full 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.


Additional Program Information